Symptoms of TMJ

Temporomandibular joint, also known as TMJ, is the joint at either side of your head that moves your jaw. It’s liable to develop problems, like any other joint in the body. Dysfunction of the joint is also known as TMJ.

Causes of TMJ

This condition can result from many things such as overuse in the form of excessive grinding or clenching of the teeth due to a stressful lifestyle. Anything causing jaw tension for excessive periods of time can result in TMJ.

It can also result from poorly aligned upper and lower jaws. This may be due to a an inflammatory condition of the joint such as arthritis or due to any sort of external trauma affecting the joint.

Common Symptoms:
– Pain in the ear
– Migraines or Headaches
– Jaw locking at certain positions
– Clicking or popping sounds when moving Jaw
– Soreness and pain over the temples, cheeks or jaws.

Treatment options:

Elimination of underlying causes is the key such as avoiding excessive tension in the jaws by avoiding things like teeth clenching or gum chewing. Other options include medical treatments, dental procedures or major surgery.

Medication that can be used can range from simple over the counter analgesics or prescribed pain killers in severe conditions. There are also dental options such as a device known as a biteplate that can be used to prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Surgical procedures are better kept as a last resort. These procedures involve the removal of the disk separating the skull and the jaw. It is an option better reserved for advanced cases only and should resorted to after all other options fail.

Three Websites You Should Look At

I would like to introduce you to 3 websites that you should definitely check out.

The first one is Katherine Page‘s blog. Katherine is the author of the TMJ Help Program, an ebook that gives exercises to cure TMJ. On this blog, Katherine talks about TMJ (obviously) but also about a bunch of personal stuff. You can also follow Katherine Page on Twitter @tmjhelp.

The second website is a site I found on digg to cure cold sores. I have to shamely admit that I’ve been suffering from cold sores for years and this website, offers the best cold sore natural cure.

The last site is a blog that talks about natural health. If you read this blog regularly, you know that I am a big fan of natural stuff. Go Natural is the name of this blog and you should give it a try if you’re remotely interested in natural health issues.

That’s it for today :-)